Nachruf von Frau Ann lepretre Geboren e SMITH

Veröffentlicht auf Freitag 24 März 2023
Frau Ann Lepretre  Geboren e SMITH

Frau Ann lepretre Geboren e SMITH

Geboren e am 6 Juni 1959
Verstorbene am Donnerstag 23 März 2023 im Alter von 63 Jahr
ansässige à Paris

Agentur PARIS 15ème
131 rue Lecourbe
75015 Paris
Sie Berater:
01 87 39 35 34
Envoyer des fleurs pour Frau Ann Lepretre  Geboren e SMITH

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Wir sind zutiefst traurig, Ihnen den Tod von zu mitteilen

Frau Ann lepretre Geboren e SMITH

aufgetreten am Donnerstag 23 März 2023 im Alter von 63 Jahr

fand statt am Freitag 31 März 2023 à 10h30
Église américaine de Paris
65 Quai d'Orsay - 75007 Paris

fand statt am Freitag 31 März 2023 à 14h00
Crématorium du Père Lachaise
71 Rue des Rondeaux - 75020 Paris

fand statt am Freitag 31 März 2023 à 14h30
Crématorium du Père Lachaise
71 Rue des Rondeaux - 75020 Paris

Envoyer des fleurs pour Frau Ann Lepretre  Geboren e SMITH

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  • Dear Philippe, Margaux, Mélanie,
    We are so sorry to hear this very sad news. We all moved back to the US so we had no idea Ann was ill. And knowing Ann, I am sure she fought strong and hard. We are happy we share so many fond memories of leading our girls scout troop together and camping in rain and mud. We did it for our girls and look how lovely you have all turned out to be. Whenever you feel down, remember that you were your Mom's world. Stay strong. You were greatly loved, and that love does not go away.

    Shelli and Alexandra Chavet
    Dienstag 4 April 2023 à 03h31
  • A tous les trois,
    Je vous présente mes plus sincères condoléances.
    Je garderai toujours avec moi les souvenirs de nos discussions avec Ann, des rires échangés lorsque l’on refaisait le monde au Bouyssou et surtout de sa générosité.
    Toutes mes pensées vous accompagnent.

    Samstag 1 April 2023 à 09h31
  • Philippe, Margaux, Mélanie,

    My heart and profound gratitude go out to the three of you for accompanying her through her illness. We are a multitude of friends, former classmates in the U.S. and France who would have so much wished she could have won this particular quest, like the many others she succeeded throughout her life.

    The stream of emotion that I have experienced since learning of Ann’s passing is very hard to express. Ann was an extremely special woman for me.
    As I prepare to attend her Memorial Service at the American Church in Paris, I have a painstaking sorrow,. I be seated, where she was in the past for my husband’s funeral.

    I do, however, have a strong feeling of comfort that Ann will be honored precisely here. As it is the annexed rooms of the church where she organized so many events that generated the special and wonderful moments for children and adults.

    The stream of emotion I have felt is based on the impact I realize she had on me. The intertwining of our lives began when she and I were 17 years old in October 1976. We shared 3 years of our university studies, attending Cottey College and the Institute for American Universities in Aix-en-Provence. Our lives in Paris were filled with common activities and I have and will always cherish our special friendship. I would be honored to share memories of her with you in the future.

    In her adult life in Paris, I feel she was very loyal to our Cottey College values, taking them to a level that left me with awe . In sum, the core value is Women supporting women. We know that Ann did this daily. Singing and taking part in 'traditions' - those special moments to pause and recognizing the Founders, were both very important at Cottey. We are numerous to have witness Ann's interest in history - her desire to 'leave a trace' & 'duly honor'.

    Yes, I have so many memories of a woman who knew she was.

    I wish you much courage particularly for the days and months come.

    My sincere condolences,

    Marian Cullen-Verclytte
    Freitag 31 März 2023 à 09h57
  • The Cottey College Class of 1979 expresses its deepest sympathy for the loss of Ann. The sad news was shared with the members of our private social media page who have fond memories of Ann during our two years at Cottey. We send prayers for Phillipe, Margaux, and Melanie.

    Nancy Kerbs
    Freitag 31 März 2023 à 05h55
  • Dear Philippe, Margaux and Melanie, My heart goes out to you! What a shock to learn of Ann's sudden death. She had such spunk and inner strength that we all imagined growing older with her still active in the American community and especially AAWE. I will cherish the many happy memories from Girl Scouts, EABJM and AAWE. Her sharp wit, kindness, and common sense-can do attitude will be sorely missed. My daughters, Isabelle and Caroline, join me in sending sincere condolences with love, Martha Alix

    Martha Alix
    Donnerstag 30 März 2023 à 11h29
  • We'll miss you, Ann - the twinkle in your eye, always ready to laugh and such a kind heart. A wonderful mom, terrifically fun friend through the wet/cold/thick/thin and whatever else life threw at you. Your spirit lives on in your wonderful daughters and in our hearts. Susan, Frederic, Melanie, Caroline, Colette and Genevieve.

    The Lucas-Conwell family
    Donnerstag 30 März 2023 à 03h41
  • Philippe, Margaux and Melanie,
    I am deeply saddened to learn of Ann's passing. I have very fond memories of time spent volunteering together at AAWE and in Girl Scouts. She was a wonderful, caring woman, the kind of person that makes things happen. Her enthusiasm and kindness were infectious. Ly thoughts are with you all in this difficult time.

    Margaret Jenkins
    Dienstag 28 März 2023 à 21h35
  • A tous les trois nous présentons nos sincères condoléances. Ann était très courageuse, gentille et très proche de ceux qu'elle aimait. Que nos prières l'accompagnent et nous sommes persuadés qu'elle sera toujours avec nous.

    Guibbert Huguette
    Dienstag 28 März 2023 à 19h55
  • Nous avons appris avec une grande tristesse la disparition de notre chère Ann. Notre chagrin est immense. Même si nous savions qu'elle était malade nous ne pouvions pas croire à une fin si proche. Tant de souvenirs nous reviennent. Nous garderons d'elle sa gentillesse, son sourire et les moments passés ensemble. Elle était notre amie américaine qui a aidé Marie Camille et Michel Victor et Maxime en anglais, et donné beaucoup de conseils à notre Australienne qui s'en souvient bien. Nous souhaitons qu'elle repose en paix et qu'elle veille sur vous trois.

    Dienstag 28 März 2023 à 19h40
  • Ann was a strong woman and she fought hard to recover, I'm so sorry she lost the battle. I hope you'll remember all the good memories you had together.

    Cassandra Smith
    Dienstag 28 März 2023 à 19h11
  • Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the passing of your wife and mother. I had no idea that she was ill. Not only did I work under her capable direction at numerous bazaars., but we sang together in West Wing with Dale Wardlaw. I remember bonding with Ann during a CIFP stage in the summer of 2013. She was completely devoted to her work at the AAWE bazaars, and especially at the Saturday morning drop-offs in Montrouge. She was an amazing woman. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the funeral on Friday but I give you all a warm virtual hug. Fondly, Mary Lynne

    Mary Lynne Fichtenberg
    Dienstag 28 März 2023 à 18h21
  • Philippe, Margaux and Melanie, We are so sad at the news of Ann's death. She was my cousin and our dear friend, and will be greatly missed. Ann's wit, intelligence and humor will keep us smiling when we think of her. We wish we could be there with you but know that we are in spirit. Love and blessings, Melanie and Jerry

    Melanie Reed and Jerry Freier
    Dienstag 28 März 2023 à 01h18
  • Dear Phil, Margaux and Melanie,
    I am so saddened to learn this news. Ann did so much to see that others would enjoy themselves and lead a rich life. I have many wonderful memories of times we spent together, and will miss her.

    Mary Ellen Wessinger
    Montag 27 März 2023 à 22h00
  • Dear Philip, Margaux and Melanie..I am still processing this sad news. Anne was my faithful companion driving out to handicrafts almost every week. It gave us the opportunity to catch up what was going on in each others lives. We shared a lot in common...AAWE, Janine Manuel, Girl Scouts, etc etc. She will be sorely missed and will remain in our hearts forever. May her memory be a blessing.

    Leslie Charbonnel
    Montag 27 März 2023 à 17h42